
Dadi's Japanese Restaurant - Configuration Guide

Welcome to the configuration guide for Dadi's Japanese Restaurant script. Below you will find a detailed explanation of each configuration option available in the script, allowing you to customize the script to better fit your server's needs.

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Dadi = Dadi or {}

Dadi.autoSQL = false -- If you want to use auto SQL, set it to true, if you want to use the SQL file, set it to false.
Dadi.EnableBlip = true -- show blip in the map
Dadi.MeatPrice = 50
Dadi.PotatoePrice = 35
Dadi.BunPrice = 50
Dadi.DeliveryCooldown = 1 -- In Minutes
Dadi.UseTarget = 'ox_target' -- ( DON'T TOUCH )
Dadi.Scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_DRINKING' -- for more scenarios (Only Boss Menu) https://pastebin.com/6mrYTdQv
Dadi.JobName = 'japanese' -- name of the job (don't touch if you don't know)

Dadi.UseCustomNotify = false -- Use a custom notification script, must complete event below.
-- Only complete this event if Dadi.UseCustomNotify is true; okokNotify provided as an example
AddEventHandler('dadi-japanese:CustomNotify', function(message, type)
	-- exports['Notify']:Alert("Dadis Japanese", message, 5000, type)

Dadi.LangType = { -- Only change if Dadi.UseCustomNotify is true (don't touch if you don't know)
	['error'] 	= "error",
	['success'] = "success",
	['info'] 	= "info"

Dadi.Lang = {
	['paymentsucces']   = "The order was paid for, amount: $",
	['paymeatsucces']   = "For the Meat, the Restaurant paid $",
	['payeelsucces']    = "For the Eel, the Restaurant paid $",
	['payfishsucces']   = "For the Fish, the Restaurant paid $",
	['payricesucces']   = "For the Rice, the Restaurant paid $",
	['paynoodlesucces']	= "For the Noddle, the Restaurant paid $",
	['paycolasucces']	= "For the Cola, the Restaurant paid $",
	['payvegsucces']	= "For the Dried Vegetables, the Restaurant paid $",
	['sendpay']			= "You paid $",
	['nocharges']		= "No charges pending",
	['blipname'] 		= "Dragon & Eel",

Dadi.Bosscoords = vec3(-175.46104431152, 313.12545776367, 96.991020202637)  -- Spawned NPC BossMenu

Dadi.Distance = 1.5 -- Distance of ox_target can interact

Dadi.Zones = {
	CashRegisterZone = vec3(-171.3150,295.037,93.92201),
	GrabSakeZone = vec3(-172.7036,291.856,93.76210),
	GrabVodkaZone = vec3(-172.760,295.7723,93.76217),
	GrabDrinkZone = vec3(-172.4101,308.359,97.99098),
	FreezerZone = vec3(-177.7498,305.947,97.45999),
	FreezerZonetwo = vec3(-179.1177,305.732,97.45996),
	FreezerZonethree = vec3(-176.6578,310.283,97.99102),
	FreezerZonefour = vec3(-172.4838,310.585,97.99099),
	PrepareFoodZone = vec3(-178.0919, 304.583, 97.45999),
	CookFoodZone = vec3(-172.9707 ,301.299 , 97.45991)

Dadi.Blip = {
	SetSprite = 587,
	SetDisplay = 4,
	SetScale = 0.6,
	SetColour = 24

Dadi.Recipes = {

	['cookedmeat'] = {
		Amount = 1,
		Animation = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ', -- Prepare or Cook (for Animation)
		Ingredients = {
			['meat'] = 1

	['cookedfish'] = {
		Amount = 1,
		Animation = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ', -- Prepare or Cook (for Animation)
		Ingredients = {
			['fish'] = 1

	['cookedeel'] = {
		Amount = 1,
		Animation = 'PROP_HUMAN_BBQ', -- Prepare or Cook (for Animation)
		Ingredients = {
			['eel'] = 1

	['sushi'] = {
		Amount = 1,
		Animation = 'PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN',
		Ingredients = {
			['fish'] = 1,
			['driedveg'] = 1,
			['rice'] = 1

	['cookedfish2'] = {
		Amount = 1,
		Animation = 'PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN',
		Ingredients = {
			['cookedfish'] = 1,
			['driedveg'] = 1

	['shoyu'] = {
		Amount = 1,
		Animation = 'PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN',
		Ingredients = {
			['ramen'] = 1,
			['sriracha'] = 1

General Configuration

  • EnableBlip: When set to true, a blip will be shown on the map to indicate the location of the restaurant.

  • autoSQL: When set to true, the SQL statements required to execute in the database for the proper functioning of the script will be automatically executed when the script is initiated through the server without the need to do it manually.

  • MeatPrice, PotatoePrice, BunPrice: These settings allow you to set the price for meat, potatoes, and buns, respectively, in your in-game currency.

  • DeliveryCooldown: This setting controls the cooldown time (in minutes) between deliveries.

  • UseTarget: Defines the targeting system to use, set by default to 'ox_target'. It is advised not to change this unless you're familiar with FiveM scripts.

  • Scenario: Determines the animation scenario for the boss menu interaction. A link is provided for more scenario codes.

  • JobName: The identifier for the job related to the script, recommended not to be changed.

  • UseCustomNotify: Set to false by default, change to true if you wish to use a custom notification system.

Custom Notifications

Only relevant if UseCustomNotify is true. Example provided for integrating with the NotifySystem.

Location Coordinates

  • Bosscoords: Coordinates for where the NPC for the BossMenu will spawn.


Defines several important areas within the restaurant for immersion and gameplay purposes, such as cashier, drink grabbing zones, freezer zones, food preparation, and cooking areas.


Specifies the recipes that can be prepared, their required ingredients, and the animations associated with each preparation step.


  • LangType: Defines the type of notifications (error, success, info).

  • Lang: Customizable messages for various events including successful payments for different items and order payments.

Configuration Options in config.lua

The config.lua file is a crucial component for customizing the functionality of your restaurant within your server. Here’s an overview of key settings you can adjust:

Recipes and Ingredients

  • Recipes: Define the list of recipes available in your restaurant. For each recipe, specify the name, the ingredients required, and the quantity of each ingredient.

  • Ingredients: Provide a comprehensive list of all ingredients that can be used within the game. This includes their availability status, cost, and vendors.

Animation Settings

  • PreparationAnimations: This section allows you to link specific animations to various preparation steps of each recipe. Define the animation by providing the appropriate animation code or reference.

Localization Settings

  • LangType: Utilize this to set the type of notifications your server will use. Options include error, success, and info.

  • Lang: Define custom messages for a variety of events, such as successful payments for various items and order payments. This allows for a more immersive and localized gaming experience.

By configuring these settings appropriately, you can ensure that your restaurant offers a unique experience, tailored to the preferences of your server's player base.

By customizing these settings, you can adapt the restaurant's functionality to fit the roleplay scenario or gameplay mechanics of your server.

Last updated