
Setting Up Inventory Systems in Dadi

The code snippet also includes a commented section providing information about different inventory systems that can be integrated:

  • 'ox' = 'Ox Inventory' refers to Ox Inventory.

  • 'esx' = 'ESX' refers to EssentialMode Extended (ESX).

  • 'qs' = 'Quasar Inventory' indicates Quasar Inventory, suggesting another available inventory option.

Following the comments, Dadi.Inventory = 'esx' specifies that the ESX inventory system is selected for use within the Dadi Exotic Paints. This means that further operations related to inventory management in the script will leverage the functionalities provided by the ESX system.

	██████╗░░█████╗░██████╗░██╗  ░█████╗░░█████╗░███╗░░██╗███████╗██╗░██████╗░
	██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║  ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗████╗░██║██╔════╝██║██╔════╝░
	██║░░██║███████║██║░░██║██║  ██║░░╚═╝██║░░██║██╔██╗██║█████╗░░██║██║░░██╗░
	██║░░██║██╔══██║██║░░██║██║  ██║░░██╗██║░░██║██║╚████║██╔══╝░░██║██║░░╚██╗
	██████╔╝██║░░██║██████╔╝██║  ╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║██║░░░░░██║╚██████╔╝
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Dadi = Dadi or {}

Dadi.Framework = 'qb' --[[
    'esx' = 'ESX Framework'
    'qb' = 'QBCore Framework'

Dadi.Inventory = 'esx' --[[
    'ox' = 'Ox Inventory'
    'esx' = 'ESX Inventory'
    'qb' = 'QBCore Inventory'
    'qs' = 'Quasar Inventory'

Dadi.TablePropsVehicles = 'mods' --[[
    'vehicle' = 'ESX Props Vehicles'
    'mods' = 'QBCore Props Vehicles'

Integration of Frameworks and Inventory Systems in Dadi Exotic Paints Script

In the Dadi Exotic Paints script, the configuration file (config.lua) allows for substantial customization with respect to the underlying game framework and inventory system. This flexibility ensures that the script can be adapted to work with different server setups.

colors.lua File in Dadi Exotic Paints Script.

The colors.lua block is a Lua table defining vehicle paint colors in FiveM scripts. It uses key-value pairs where:

  • Key: A string identifier for each color, describing its appearance or effect (e.g., 'anod_red').

  • Value: An integer representing the color's in-game code.

This structure allows easy customization of vehicle appearances on FiveM servers, offering a variety in finishes (solid, flip paints, pearls, prismatics).

Paints = {
    ['anod_red'] =          161,
    ['anod_wine'] =         162,
    ['anod_purple'] =       163,
    ['anod_blue'] =         164,
    ['anod_green'] =        165,
    ['anod_lime'] =         166,
    ['anod_copper'] =       167,
    ['anod_bronze'] =       168,
    ['anod_champagne'] =    169,
    ['anod_gold'] =         170,
    ['green_blue_flip'] =   171,
    ['green_red_flip'] =    172,
    ['green_brow_flip'] =   173,
    ['green_turq_flip'] =   174,
    ['green_purp_flip'] =   175,
    ['teal_purp_flip'] =    176,
    ['turq_red_flip'] =     177,
    ['turq_purp_flip'] =    178,
    ['cyan_purp_flip'] =    179,
    ['blue_pink_flip'] =    180,
    ['blue_green_flip'] =   181,
    ['purp_red_flip'] =     182,
    ['purp_green_flip'] =   183,
    ['magen_gree_flip'] =   184,
    ['magen_yell_flip'] =   185,
    ['burg_green_flip'] =   186,
    ['magen_cyan_flip'] =   187,
    ['coppe_purp_flip'] =   188,
    ['magen_oran_flip'] =   189,
    ['red_orangeflip'] =    190,
    ['orang_purp_flip'] =   191,
    ['orang_blue_flip'] =   192,
    ['white_purp_flip'] =   193,
    ['red_rainbo_flip'] =   194,
    ['blu_rainbo_flip'] =   195,
    ['darkgreenpearl'] =    196,
    ['darktealpearl'] =     197,
    ['darkbluepearl'] =     198,
    ['darkpurplepearl'] =   199,
    ['oil_slick_pearl'] =   200,
    ['lit_green_pearl'] =   201,
    ['lit_blue_pearl'] =    202,
    ['lit_purp_pearl'] =    203,
    ['lit_pink_pearl'] =    204,
    ['pink_pearl'] =        206,
    ['yellow_pearl'] =      207,
    ['green_pearl'] =       208,
    ['blue_pearl'] =        209,
    ['cream_pearl'] =       210,
    ['white_prisma'] =      211,
    ['graphite_prisma'] =   212,
    ['darkblueprisma'] =    213,
    ['darkpurpprisma'] =    214,
    ['hot_pink_prisma'] =   215,
    ['red_prisma'] =        216,
    ['green_prisma'] =      217,
    ['black_prisma'] =      218,
    ['oil_slic_prisma'] =   219,
    ['rainbow_prisma'] =    220,
    ['black_holo'] =        221,
    ['white_holo'] =        222,
    ['ykta_monochrome'] =   223,
    ['ykta_nite_day'] =     224,
    ['ykta_verlierer2'] =   225,
    ['ykta_sprunk_ex'] =    226,
    ['ykta_vice_city'] =    227,
    ['ykta_synthwave'] =    228,
    ['ykta_four_seaso'] =   229,
    ['ykta_m9_throwba'] =   230,
    ['ykta_bubblegum'] =    231,
    ['ykta_full_rbow'] =    232,
    ['ykta_sunsets'] =      233,
    ['ykta_the_seven'] =    234,
    ['ykta_kamenrider'] =   235,
    ['ykta_chromabera'] =   236,
    ['ykta_christmas'] =    237,
    ['ykta_temperatur'] =   238,
    ['ykta_hsw'] =          239,
    ['ykta_electro'] =      240,
    ['ykta_monika'] =       241,
    ['ykta_fubuki'] =       242,

Last updated